Sabona – Paz y Escuelas

#Febrero 2023

Sabona i l’igualtat de gènere

Un cop més, se’nSabona l’escola a Andorra. Aquesta vegada, entra a l’aula de la mà d’Andorra Recerca +Innovació per facilitar una dinàmica de reflexió crítica i constructiva al voltant de la igualtat entre les persones per triar a què volen dedicar-se en la vida adulta i transcendir els estereotips de gènere.


#Marzo 2022

Sabona i l’educació per al consum sostenible


SABONA – Pedagogía de Paz Slide Show


#Enero 2016



#Noviembre 2015

Seminario de Mediación Educativa – Alfas del Pí



#ENERO 2015

Rompecabezas de Paz


Descarga crucigrama en PDF con definiciones aquí.

Más rompecabezas aquí.



# SABONA a Catalunya:

Maig 17, 2014

en el marc de la Xerrada talents i creativitat – Arfa, comunitat educativa NunuN

Xerrada creativitat NunuN maig 2014



 #SABONA en Andorra:

30 – 31. 01. 2014

Tallers “La fruita de la discòrdia” EAO

en el marc del Dia Escolar de la Non Violència i la Pau

Nabiüet i Amandine

nabiuet i amandine a elefants





SABONA – Presentació APSI Escola Andorrana


Sabona-logo1 << Sabona es la formación en la transformación de conflictos, una forma de higiene de conflicto. Mediante la práctica de medidas sencillas que pueden convertirse en nuestra rutina normal, estamos mejor preparados para encontrarnos con los conflictos, grandes y pequeños. Sabona se construye teórica y metodológicamente sobre el concepto de transformación de conflictos Transcend, desarrollado por el profesor Johan Galtung, a la luz de su experiencia en la transformación de conflictos internacionales durante muchos años, en muchos países y muchas culturas diferentes. Sabona nos ayuda a ver que todos los conflictos están, a un nivel básico, lo mismo, ya sean grandes o pequeños, personales o globales. Sabona se basa en nuestra profunda humanidad, con un punto de partida en la naturaleza de los seres humanos. Desde este punto de partida, se han desarrollado un marco para la comprensión y un conjunto de herramientas para la interacción. Sabona se basa en el respeto fundamental — tanto de ‘yo’ como de ‘los otros’– y proporciona el lenguaje y los métodos para abordar los conflictos de una manera creativa e innovadora,  orientada a las solución.  Sabona incluye herramientas que se pueden aprender rápidamente, son fáciles de usar, y que se refuerzan porque dan un “retorno” rápido. Las herramientas proporcionadas en Sabona hacen que la participación activa en los procesos de transformación de conflictos sea posible, incluso para los niños y los jóvenes, lo que resulta en el desarrollo de sentimientos de responsabilidad, solidaridad y en el empoderamiento. >>

Sabona – Grupo Central:

Aase Marie Faldalen, Synöve Faldalen, Lars Thyholdt y Vigdis RF Thyholdt forman el núcleo de trabajo para facilitar los conceptos de conflicto del profesor Johan Galtung  – o, como él lo llama: higiene de conflicto – para ser parte de la vida cotidiana.

Lars Thyholdt – responsable programa SABONA en primera enseñanza –  (English) TMS Interview:



#SABONA en España:

extracto presentacion proyecto comenius sabona IES Malladeta 


#Articulos y ensayos:


ahimsa en la vita quotidiana

Ahimsa in Daily life

IMG_7999El conflicte i PERMSEA;

Educació Infantil – un dilema dels pares i un esforç per resoldre’l

snow2The Snowman*  El libro SABONA esta traducido al español y se puede adquirir enviando solicitud a

*from the book SABONA-Searching for Good Solutions -Learning Solving Conflicts. Aase Marie and Synove Faldalen Vigdis R. Faldalen and Lars Thyholdt. An Introduction to Conflict Handling and Social Relations at School, © SABONA Core Group, 2011:

”He just ruined our snowman!!” The three first graders are crying over the loss of their newly built snowman. It’s a wonderful, sunny day in late February. The snow is fresh and wet and excellent for shaping all kinds of snow sculptures. The schoolyard is filled with joy and children’s laughter, with exception from these three unhappy kids. They run to one of the teachers guarding the schoolyard this break, and tell him about the incident. The teacher listens to the story about how an older student, a sixth grader, has kicked over the first graders’ snowman. Not just once – but twice! They tried to build it up again after the first attack, but suddenly he was there again and destroyed their work. The youngsters know this boy and reveal his name to the teacher, who searches him up. The boy has hid behind one of the school buildings, sitting on a bench. The teacher approaches him. ”May I sit next to you? I need to talk to you.” The boy, slightly surprised by not being addressed in a strict manner, answers with an almost unnoticeable gesture, nodding his head. The teacher continues. ”Look, I need to hear your side of a story I’ve just been told, involving you, three kids from the first grade and a snowman. Do you know what I’m talking about?” The boy looks down for some seconds, and after being confronted with the accusations against him, he admits the damage he has caused. ”What you have done is unacceptable, but like I said, I am willing to listen to your story. Can you tell me why you did it?”, the teacher continues. The boy is not too eager to tell his version. It is embarrassing. But after a while he is ready to ”let go”. ”They wouldn’t let me play with them. Why is it only the first and second graders who are allowed to borrow shovels for making igloos and snowmen?” The teacher has to admit he’s having a point there, and says so to him. ”I understand you feel this is unfair. Still, your behavior in this matter is not acceptable. You know we have ways to handle wishes and requests from the students. The student council takes care of such matters.” The boy agrees, but replies. ”I know, but why didn’t they let me play with them?” “I don’t know. Did you ask them if you may?”, the teacher asks. ”No, not exactly, but I was there when they started and tried to help them, but they only told me to go away!” ”Could it be that they misunderstood your intentions? Maybe they thought you wanted to bully them?” “Why would they think that?” ”Well, I’m sure you can remember being a first grader yourself many years ago. You thought the older students at school could seem rather scary to you, didn’t you?” The boy nods silently. ”So, what do you do now?”, the teacher continuous. ”What do you mean?”, the boy asks. ”Like I said, what you did was not acceptable”, the teacher goes on. ”You need to do something about it.” ”I could, of course, help them rebuild the snowman, but I’m sure they won’t let me join them now, after what happened”, the boy sighs. ”If you had been one of them, what would you have wanted a sixth grader to do in order to let him join in after first having ruined your work?”, the teacher asks. ”I could say I’m sorry…”, the boy answers uncertainly. ”That would be a good start, I think”, the teacher replies. ”I also think telling them that you wanted to play, but that you didn’t quite make it clear to them, could be a good idea. Let’s see if we can find them, and talk to them, shall we?” A little while later, the sixth grader is busy building a new and much bigger and even more beautiful snowman together with three happy first graders. Comment: Listening to this story, Johan Galtung once said; “There is a snowman called the Oslo process. The Israeli Labor Party and Palestines Al Fatah are allowed to play, Likhud and Hamas are excluded. What is their natural reaction? To try to destroy what the others have built. If we want to make peace, we must include all parties, even those with whom we may disagree!” Working with children, we need to add that they also must learn to acknowledge other children’s right to play alone – and to be left alone, if that is their wish. However, we must encourage them to look for the overwhelming possibilities that dwell in creating things together with others; exploring the field of togetherness, challenge the risk of having clashes of goals, improving the skills of how to make positive outcomes and new realities from such processes.